

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><root><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>When Google's AdSense appeared, there were a lot of people who doubted Google's idea would be marketable and actually generate any profits. Yet as we stand here today it's probably the most well known pay per click venture in the world.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Yes, all those nay sayers ended up eating their own words in the end. And that is because the folks at Google never go and do something without assessing whether or not it will be profitable, or exactly how profitable it is.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>But of course, as you might very well know, AdSense isn't just profitable for Google. It's also profitable for the people who advertise via AdWords and very profitable for publishers who use it to make earnings which are sometimes just enormous.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>So one must ask himself why this is such a good deal for everybody. And the question in itself is very justified because you hardly ever come across something that's profitable for everyone in the chain. So why would AdSense be any different.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Well, AdSense is where it stands today, giving benefits for everybody in the game because it exploits a gap in the Internet's advertising model.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>You see, the Internet is a very interactive environment, and its interactions come from the people who are browsing. They choose whether or not to follow a certain link and the term "navigating" is probably the most precise one at describing this situation.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>So AdSense is great because it links together buyers and sellers. Yes, you have to hand it out to Google for a brilliant idea. They know there are people out there that want to buy stuff and people who want to sell them what they're interested in. And Google AdSense helps members of the two categories find each other.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>It works for the visitors, because the model is very transparent. You don't see a huge graphic banner which tries to lure you into buying something. You just see a few words. And if you like what you see you can just click it. It works because visitors don't have that feeling of someone trying to lure them into spending money. Ironically, however, they're wrong.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>It works for the AdWords advertisers because their ads go everywhere. Not only will they find themselves listed in Google's search which gets gazillions of hits per day, up front without working as much for SEO and waiting so much.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Their ads can reach any website that deals with anything similar to what they're trying to sell. Now you must realize they could never pull of such great advertising by themselves. And that brings us to the thing that makes Google's AdSense a publisher's best friend.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>It comes from the fact that the ads are contextual, that they somehow related to the keywords you deal with on your page. Because people or on your site, which deals with a certain topic, you already know they're interested in that topic.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>But, hey, wait a minute, Google knows some companies which want to sell your visitors something related to their topic. Google wants your visitors, you want Google's advertisers and the visitors just want to buy stuff. And that is the essence of what makes AdSense a great deal for everybody.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>This is by far the most profitable hook-up deal you're ever going to see anywhere on the Internet.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>So you have to appreciate Google for realizing a killer deal. You have to appreciate how well thought out, yet simple this scheme really is. Sure, in practice it has a few quirks but those are minor and, up to this point everyone seems to be enjoying Google's AdSense.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>PPPPP</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>609</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Adsense - Pros and Cons</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>You have that site on-line for quite a while, its generating a good number of hits every day and you're thinking whether or not to use AdSense advertising on it to make it generate some form of income.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Well this is a description of the pros and cons of this approach to Internet advertising. AdSense has definitely hit the Internet like something from another planet and people are very excited about it everywhere. There are negative aspects to Adsense and alternatives to consider.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>AdSense is generally a great tool for webmasters. Whereas, they would use to worry about how to raise enough money to keep their sites profitable, or at least keep them on-line those worries are gone.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>AdSense allows webmasters to forget about those worries and concentrate on creating good content for their sites. In fact, the emphasis is now on creating quality content (often associated with the top-paying words) which will bring you many visitors.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>AdSense can also very well integrated with your website, it's easily customizable in terms of colors, size and position which means you can experiment with it in any way you like to maximize your income.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>AdSense is a very good means of generating a constant revenue on your site. All you need to do is create some quality content and keep it updated constantly and you can literally live off your website. A lot of people are doing just that nowadays with AdSense, so it's become sort of a business in itself.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>It's also a great program because you can have the same account advertising on all your pages. This is great for webmasters wit a lot of content because it means they don't have to create many accounts unnecessarily.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>But as stated, above, there are some negative aspects to advertising with AdSense and here's a small list of such cons.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Clearly the largest negative impact the AdSense program can have on you is through Google closing your accounts. Most of the time this happens because of so called 'click fraud', which means somebody would be producing artificial clicks on your page.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>There's one really nasty side to that. It doesn't have to be you making those artificial clicks. It could very well be your competition doing this in order to shut you down, or the competitor of whoever is advertising on your page, looking to drive their marketing costs up.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>The earning AdSense brings you are by no means constant. In fact, they're not even close to that. Anything you do to your site could end up being a big mistake costing you a great deal of money. It's that kind of pressure that has a negative impact on you.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>First of all, you constantly need to make sure your site is in the spotlight of search engines when people are searching for whatever it is your site is about.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>If you fail to do that you won't have any visitors, and that of course means you won't have any AdSense revenue. In a way this is nothing new, as any form of generating revenue on the Internet with advertising has such a drawback.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>And finally, another major problem is that you constantly have to feed your site with better and better content. Now, of course, certain sites are very well geared towards doing this but with some types of content this is rather hard to achieve. This is often why the services of a copywriter are employed to generate more and more content.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>When writing original content, the best thing a website owner can do is research a topic thoroughly and then return to writing with lots of information they can out in their own words, and show their own opinion on.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>So there are the pros and cons of using the AdSense network for generating profits through advertising. Now the choice of whether or not these work for you is yours.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>PPPPP</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>652</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>5 Ways To Improve Your Adsense Earnings</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>If webmasters want to monetize their websites, the great way to do it is through Adsense. There are lots of webmasters struggling hard to earn some good money a day through their sites. But then some of the “geniuses” of them are enjoying hundreds of dollars a day from Adsense ads on their websites. What makes these webmasters different from the other kind is that they are different and they think out of the box.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>The ones who have been there and done it have quite some useful tips to help those who would want to venture into this field. Some of these tips have boosted quite a lot of earnings in the past and is continuously doing so.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Here are some 5 proven ways on how best to improve your Adsense earnings.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>1. Concentrating on one format of Adsense ad. The one format that worked well for the majority is the Large Rectangle (336X280). This same format have the tendency to result in higher CTR, or the click-through rates. Why choose this format out of the many you can use? Basically because the ads will look like normal web links, and people, being used to clicking on them, click these types of links. They may or may not know they are clicking on your Adsense but as long as there are clicks, then it will all be for your advantage.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>2. Create a custom palette for your ads. Choose a color that will go well with the background of your site. If your site has a white background, try to use white as the color of your ad border and background. The idea to patterning the colors is to make the Adsense look like it is part of the web pages. Again, This will result to more clicks from people visiting your site.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>3. Remove the Adsense from the bottom pages of your site and put them at the top. Do not try to hide your Adsense. Put them in the place where people can see them quickly. You will be amazed how the difference between Adsense locations can make when you see your earnings.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>4. Maintain links to relevant websites. If you think some sites are better off than the others, put your ads there and try to maintaining and managing them. If there is already lots of Adsense put into that certain site, put yours on top of all of them. That way visitor will see your ads first upon browsing into that site.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>5. Try to automate the insertion of your Adsense code into the webpages using SSI (or server side included). Ask your web administrator if your server supports SSI or not. How do you do it? Just save your Adsense code in a text file, save it as “adsense text”, and upload it to the root directory of the web server. Then using SSI, call the code on other pages. This tip is a time saver especially for those who are using automatic page generators to generate pages on their website.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>These are some of the tips that have worked well for some who want to generate hundreds and even thousands on their websites.  It is important to know though that ads are displayed because it fits the interest of the people viewing them. So focusing on a specific topic should be your primary purpose because the displays will be especially targeted on a topic that persons will be viewing already.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Note also that there are many other Adsense sharing the same topic as you. It is best to think of making a good ad that will be somewhat different and unique than the ones already done. Every clickthrough that visitors make is a point for you so make every click count by making your Adsense something that people will definitely click on.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Tips given by those who have boosted their earnings are just guidelines they want to share with others. If they have somehow worked wonders to some, maybe it can work wonders for you too. Try them out into your ads and see the result it will bring.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>If others have done it, there is nothing wrong trying it out for yourself.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Adsense and the Surfer</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>AdSense is an easy program to grasp: it's a great form of an advertising bringing a lot of benefits to every person in the chain. And of course, seeing the results it can have on a business (and a publisher) people encourage this form of publicity.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>For the browsing audience this is probably the most straightforward model available, because they can be directed to a lot of new sites they wouldn't have otherwise found. Needless to say, if you have an AdSense banner on your site, and a large number of visitors you'll know it offers a great financial benefit.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>But why does it work for the people clicking the links, as opposed to a standard approach?</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>It is aided by today's society. With bloggers and information based articles on the internet, people may be encouraged to complete purchases, which adsense can provide links to relevant suppliers whilst also benefiting the publisher.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>And the good thing about this is that it works for site visitors as well. In fact Google realized that by pleasing the people who are looking for something, and directing them to what they need faster, everybody wins.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>It is because of this that a lot of websites promote through AdSense in both content and search. They do it because they ultimately learned that it works for everyone.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>If we look in the past, we can realize that this kind of publicity has a great impact over the people, especially in the last few years. When we enter on a web site and we see a graphical banner, our first idea is to cancel it out of our mind, because it's of no concern to us.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>That's why traditional banner advertising is wrong. It's precisely because people are becoming savvy that they don’t look at a flashy banner because they think they'll be losing their time with it.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>We've gotten accustomed to banners that don't interest us. And we're accustomed to them having nice graphics. So we naturally associate the two things and think that a banner with nice graphics has nothing to tell us.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>But we might look at a text-ad because we've grown accustomed to them being targeted at what we're looking for. Basically these advertisements have marketed themselves into being looked at by any visitor.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>This is a typical "no fluff, just stuff" situation. And in the end it means the visitors will see what they're interested in, not some random cool graphics you throw at them.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>As stated above, site visitors adopt this advertising mechanism, because it is efficient in leading them to pages of interest and can offer ton of things they really want to see. Someone coming across an article on adsense was probably looking for shoes or doing research on shoes when they came across the article.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>And most importantly for everyone, including visitors, this scheme can only improve as the process gets further refined to make ads more relevant to what you're looking for, not just a couple of keywords on a site.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Nowadays, it is because of AdSense that Internet surfers are looking after more interesting related things from banners, and the companies behind the site (Google and the advertiser) need to have better ideas to display, as expectations have increased a great deal.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>So could "Do no evil" actually work in today's cut throat competitive marketplace? Well, as you can see it can and it does. And you, as a visitor are the one who gets to enjoy this the most. Advertising becomes less of a burden and more of a benefit, and is still a benefit you can choose to ignore.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Less obtrusive banners; banners that you're actually likely to be interested in and click means you'll be less annoyed by surfing the web and feel like you as a visitor being offered a relevant service.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Although some may feel reluctant to read articles that are there purely to compel consumers, undoubtedly without this consideration they are useful. Ultimately the adverts mean that you don’t have to go back to your homepage every time you are compelled to complete a purchase.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>PPPPP</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>690</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>3 Reasons Why Adsense Is Essential For Content Sites</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>To know why Adsense is essential for your content sites is to know first how this works.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>The concept is really simple, if you think about it. The publisher or the webmaster inserts a java script into a certain website. Each time the page is accessed, the java script will pull advertisements from the Adsense program. The ads that are targeted should therefore be related to the content that is contained on the web page serving the ad. If a visitor clicks on an advertisement, the webmaster serving the ad earns a portion of the money that the advertiser is paying the search engine for the click.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>The search engine is the one handling all the tracking and payments, providing an easy way for webmasters to display content-sensitive and targeted ads without having the hassle to solicit advertisers, collect funds, monitor the clicks and statistics which could be a time-consuming task in itself. It seems that there is never a shortage of advertisers in the program from which the search engine pulls the Adsense ads. Also webmasters are less concerned by the lack of information search engines are providing and are more focused in making cash from these search engines.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>The first reason why Adsense is essential for content sites is because it already has come a long way in understanding the needs of publishers and webmasters. Together with its continuous progression is the appearance of more advanced system that allows full ad customization. Webmasters are given the chance to choose from many different types of text ad formats to better complement their website and fit their webpage layout.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>The different formatting enables the site owners the possibility of more click through from visitors who may or may not be aware of what they are clicking on. It can also appeal to the people visiting thus make them take that next step of looking up what it is all about. This way the people behind the Adsense will get their content read and making profit in the process.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>The second reason is the ability of the Adsense publishers to track not only how their sites are progressing but also the earnings based on the webmaster-defined channels. The recent improvements in the search engines gives webmasters the capability to monitor how their ads are performing using customizable reports that has the capacity to detail page impressions, clicks and click-through rates. Webmasters and publishers can now track specific ad formats, colors and pages within a website. Trends are also easily spotted.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>With the real-time reporting at hand, the effectiveness of the changes made will be assessed quickly. There would be time to sort out the contents that people are making the most clicks on. The ever-changing demands would be met while generating cash for the webmasters and publishers. The more flexible tools are also allowing webmasters to group web pages by URL, domain, ad type or category, which will provide them some accurate insight on which pages, ads and domains are performing best.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>The last and final reason is that the advertisers have realized the benefits associated having their ads served on targeted websites. Thus increasing the possibility that a prospective web surfer will have an interest in their product and services. All because of the content and its constant maintenance. As opposed to those who are no using Adsense in their sites, they are given the option of having other people do their content for them, giving them the benefit of having successful and money-generating web sites.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Adsense is all about targeted content, the more targeted your content is, the more target the search engines’ ads will be. There are some web masters and publishers who are focused more on their site contents and how best to maintain them rather than the cash that the ads will generate for them. This is the part where the effectiveness is working its best.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>There was a time when people were not yet aware of the money to be achieved from advertisements. The cash generated only came into existence when the webmasters and publishers realized how they can make Adsense be that generator. In those days, the content were the most important factors that is taken quite seriously. It still is. With the allure of money, of course.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>5 Ways To Improve Your Adsense Earnings</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>If webmasters want to monetize their websites, the great way to do it is through Adsense. There are lots of webmasters struggling hard to earn some good money a day through their sites. But then some of the “geniuses” of them are enjoying hundreds of dollars a day from Adsense ads on their websites. What makes these webmasters different from the other kind is that they are different and they think out of the box.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>The ones who have been there and done it have quite some useful tips to help those who would want to venture into this field. Some of these tips have boosted quite a lot of earnings in the past and is continuously doing so.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Here are some 5 proven ways on how best to improve your Adsense earnings.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>6. Concentrating on one format of Adsense ad. The one format that worked well for the majority is the Large Rectangle (336X280). This same format have the tendency to result in higher CTR, or the click-through rates. Why choose this format out of the many you can use? Basically because the ads will look like normal web links, and people, being used to clicking on them, click these types of links. They may or may not know they are clicking on your Adsense but as long as there are clicks, then it will all be for your advantage.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>7. Create a custom palette for your ads. Choose a color that will go well with the background of your site. If your site has a white background, try to use white as the color of your ad border and background. The idea to patterning the colors is to make the Adsense look like it is part of the web pages. Again, This will result to more clicks from people visiting your site.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>8. Remove the Adsense from the bottom pages of your site and put them at the top. Do not try to hide your Adsense. Put them in the place where people can see them quickly. You will be amazed how the difference between Adsense locations can make when you see your earnings.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>9. Maintain links to relevant websites. If you think some sites are better off than the others, put your ads there and try to maintaining and managing them. If there is already lots of Adsense put into that certain site, put yours on top of all of them. That way visitor will see your ads first upon browsing into that site.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>10. Try to automate the insertion of your Adsense code into the webpages using SSI (or server side included). Ask your web administrator if your server supports SSI or not. How do you do it? Just save your Adsense code in a text file, save it as “adsense text”, and upload it to the root directory of the web server. Then using SSI, call the code on other pages. This tip is a time saver especially for those who are using automatic page generators to generate pages on their website.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>These are some of the tips that have worked well for some who want to generate hundreds and even thousands on their websites.  It is important to know though that ads are displayed because it fits the interest of the people viewing them. So focusing on a specific topic should be your primary purpose because the displays will be especially targeted on a topic that persons will be viewing already.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Note also that there are many other Adsense sharing the same topic as you. It is best to think of making a good ad that will be somewhat different and unique than the ones already done. Every clickthrough that visitors make is a point for you so make every click count by making your Adsense something that people will definitely click on.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Tips given by those who have boosted their earnings are just guidelines they want to share with others. If they have somehow worked wonders to some, maybe it can work wonders for you too. Try them out into your ads and see the result it will bring.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>If others have done it, there is nothing wrong trying it out for yourself.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Adsense Alternatives 2</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Bidvertiser (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Like AdSense, Bidvertiser displays text ads in your page. But the difference lies in the fact that advertisers bid over your advertising space, ensuring you earn as much revenue as you possibly can. This also means that bids will increase over time, earning you even more cash. You also get a great way to customize your ads with a very easy to use tool and detailed reports on your site's status.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Quigo AdSonar (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Quigo AdSonar achieves relevancy by placing a filter according to your site's categories. It also offers you on-line reports of your site's status and the possibility to add your own custom ads replacing ads that don't gain you any revenue. The setup is very simple, in a similar fashion to AdSense's and quite customizable as well.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Vibrant Media IntelliTXT (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Vibrant Media IntelliTXT offers user-activated ads, highlighting certain words within the content of the page and presenting relevant ads when a user hovers his mouse over them. It uses a pay-for-performance pricing scheme and can easily be used along with other advertising methods, because it is unobtrusive. It places you in full control, allowing you to easily integrate it within your site with some simple JavaScript.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Nixie (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Nixie claims to hold a technology that can read and understand your site, enabling it to display the most relevant content to your site. Besides text ads, Nixie also features price comparison listings as well as live auction advertising. It's very easy to implement and has a good payment policy as well.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>MIVA AdRevenue Xpress (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>MIVA AdRevenue Xpress is targeted towards small and mid-sized publishers. It implements Search Box functionality and also features things like a Category Directory as well as the handling of 404 error pages. It can be integrated with your page using a simple on-line wizard.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Fastclick (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Fastclick offers you an impressive 65 percent of what it makes from a click on your website. Payments are done monthly, via PayPal or through checks. The ads can be formatted as you wish, and Fastclick even offers a free support serice for its members and no fees are required to register with the service.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>contextWeb ContextAd (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>ContextAd offers the possibility of contextual ads for dynamic pages, meaning ads will change as soon as your page does. It's very easy to use and free to sing up for and offers a transparent payment policy. The ads are fully customizable and real-time reports are available 24/7.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>AdBrite (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>AdBrite offers publishers the possibility of integrating text ads in their pages. These are done on your own rates, with the websites you approve by hand so it bares some similarities with a classic advertising scheme. You also have the option of adding a "Your Add Here" button that buyers can immediately click to ad space on your page. It can also be used in conjunction with Google AdSense, maximizing your CTR and offering advertisers the possibility of showing their links in your Google AdSense space. You have full control over the look and feel of your adds and finally, you get an incredible 75% of what the advertiser pays for on every click.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>So, as you can see there are many offers for this kind of advertising, and many hybrids based on AdSense like advertising. Also, a lot of services can work together with AdSense to earn you an even greater amount of revenue for your ad space.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>PPPPP</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>577</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>3 Reasons Why Adsense Is Essential For Content Sites</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>To know why Adsense is essential for your content sites is to know first how this works.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>The concept is really simple, if you think about it. The publisher or the webmaster inserts a java script into a certain website. Each time the page is accessed, the java script will pull advertisements from the Adsense program. The ads that are targeted should therefore be related to the content that is contained on the web page serving the ad. If a visitor clicks on an advertisement, the webmaster serving the ad earns a portion of the money that the advertiser is paying the search engine for the click.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>The search engine is the one handling all the tracking and payments, providing an easy way for webmasters to display content-sensitive and targeted ads without having the hassle to solicit advertisers, collect funds, monitor the clicks and statistics which could be a time-consuming task in itself. It seems that there is never a shortage of advertisers in the program from which the search engine pulls the Adsense ads. Also webmasters are less concerned by the lack of information search engines are providing and are more focused in making cash from these search engines.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>The first reason why Adsense is essential for content sites is because it already has come a long way in understanding the needs of publishers and webmasters. Together with its continuous progression is the appearance of more advanced system that allows full ad customization. Webmasters are given the chance to choose from many different types of text ad formats to better complement their website and fit their webpage layout.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>The different formatting enables the site owners the possibility of more click through from visitors who may or may not be aware of what they are clicking on. It can also appeal to the people visiting thus make them take that next step of looking up what it is all about. This way the people behind the Adsense will get their content read and making profit in the process.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>The second reason is the ability of the Adsense publishers to track not only how their sites are progressing but also the earnings based on the webmaster-defined channels. The recent improvements in the search engines gives webmasters the capability to monitor how their ads are performing using customizable reports that has the capacity to detail page impressions, clicks and click-through rates. Webmasters and publishers can now track specific ad formats, colors and pages within a website. Trends are also easily spotted.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>With the real-time reporting at hand, the effectiveness of the changes made will be assessed quickly. There would be time to sort out the contents that people are making the most clicks on. The ever-changing demands would be met while generating cash for the webmasters and publishers. The more flexible tools are also allowing webmasters to group web pages by URL, domain, ad type or category, which will provide them some accurate insight on which pages, ads and domains are performing best.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>The last and final reason is that the advertisers have realized the benefits associated having their ads served on targeted websites. Thus increasing the possibility that a prospective web surfer will have an interest in their product and services. All because of the content and its constant maintenance. As opposed to those who are no using Adsense in their sites, they are given the option of having other people do their content for them, giving them the benefit of having successful and money-generating web sites.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Adsense is all about targeted content, the more targeted your content is, the more target the search engines’ ads will be. There are some web masters and publishers who are focused more on their site contents and how best to maintain them rather than the cash that the ads will generate for them. This is the part where the effectiveness is working its best.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>There was a time when people were not yet aware of the money to be achieved from advertisements. The cash generated only came into existence when the webmasters and publishers realized how they can make Adsense be that generator. In those days, the content were the most important factors that is taken quite seriously. It still is. With the allure of money, of course.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Adsense Alternatives</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Many people have started using Google's AdSense program, but there are some who find it a bit too uncertain or simply not suiting their own requirements from an ad program.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>But thankfully for such people, there are many alternatives to AdSense which attempt to alleviate some of its shortcomings. Here is a list of the most noteworthy ones from the lot with a description concerning each one.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>AllFeeds (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>AllFeeds has a great pool of online advertisers to choose from. It also features many display formats that you can choose from. These include banners, buttons, XML feeds, DHTML pop-ups and so on. It also features real time reporting of your ad status. The site will mail a check every month, provided that you earn more then $25.00, while rolling over earnings for the next month if you don't. Another interesting thing about AllFeeds is that it integrates with Google AdSense, maximizing your earnings with AdSense.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>MarketBanker (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>MarketBanker allows you the unique possiblity to set the pricing for your site. It also allows you to allow or reject any link that appears on your site (although AdSense itself does a very good job of this as well, with URL filters) There's also a statistics section which will allow you to see how well your site is doing. The ads are small just like AdSense's and they're just as easy to set up. Also, registration for MarketBanker is free.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>BidClix (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>BidClix is different because it has advertisers compete for clicks on your site, which in turn is meant to generate the highest possible profits for your page. It also has a very large pool of advertisers which ensure there are plenty of people to choose your site. However, it does require more polish on site contents then AdSense. As most sites, real time statistics are available and its very easy to get started with this service, but it's also very flexible.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Chitika (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>RealContext uses Artificial intelligence to retrieve the most relevant ads for your page. And there's an extra feature which makes RealContext unique as well. Keywords are selected based upon which previous selections payed off and which didn't. That means there's a constant feedback process that ensures you gain better revenue from your ads. It also supports blocking certain adds and child-safe filtering and many more options.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>AdHearus (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>AdHearus is a very feature-packed contextual ad provider. As with AdSense, advertisements are targeted but it doesn't stop here at all. The ads are very flexible, you can select from text-ads, banners, rectangles, pop-ups, pop-unders or skyscrapers. You can also display your own ads, through rotation, both on your site and on other affiliate sites, which makes AdHearus a hybrid with conventional advertising technologies. There's a very comprehensive on-line real time reporting feature and, as usual with such services, starting out is free and it's a breeze.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>AffiliateSensor (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>AffiliateSensor has highly customizable ad blocks, which you can make for yourself with an easy to use on-line interface. You also get realtime reporting with clicks-by-domain, page and refferer. There's integration with Google AdSense as well, through the google_alternate_ad_url so AffiliateSensor can be used as a substitute for Google PSA's (Public Service Ads).</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Kanoodle Bright Ads (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Kanoodle's offering allows publishers to get ads related to topics or segments, and not the traditional keyword oriented ads. The site also groups publisher sites with advertisers by hand to ensure high-revenue generating ads. And speaking of revenue, the amount of money you receive is a clear 50% share of the amount of money Kanoodle recieves for an advertiser.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>TargetPoint (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>TargetPoint is oriented more towards content publishers. It offers full control over the look the ads, statistics over your site's overall performance and better revenue. It's free to register and you earn a guaranteed 60% of the total revenue. You can get payed with Paypal of Bank checks and (most times) wire transfers as well.</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Clicksor (</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>Clicksor will earn you as much as 60% from the amount of money your website produces. What you get is about the same as AdSense, there are targeted text ads, you can view the revenues from your website in real time. You can receive money via PayPal or through a check every two weeks, provided that you have earned more then $50. If you haven't made that much, your earning roll over to the next period</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>PPPPP</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone> </AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1><Sheet1><AdsenseisforEveryone>735</AdsenseisforEveryone></Sheet1></root>
